Tag: Digital Scrapbooking

Lighten the Load Summer Challenge – Mark your Calendars

As we prepare the way for a fun and productive summer where we are going to Lighten the Load in more ways than we can imagine, I suggest that you start off by marking your calendar for my 3 Summer Workshops that are coming up and signing up for the ones you want to attend.  Although this is not mandatory to join in the rest of the challenge, this will be a great chance to connect with other friends as we are working on this challenge together.  I would love to have you join us for one or more of these monthly photo workshop events as your schedule allows.
  • Saturday, June 8, 2019
  • Saturday, July  13, 2019
  • Saturday, August 10, 2019

Each of these workshops will run 10am-10pm and you can choose to attend as a traditional scrapbooker or a digital attendee and you can choose to join us for all day or just part.  Check out the Events link in the Menu Bar for more details and to register for these Events and others I offer the rest of the year.

You will also want to watch for weekly posts through the month of June for our Summer Sale.  This is just for you to get the supplies you need at a great price while you help me Lighten MY Load of inventory to carry to summer events.  Watch for more details on a Summer Sale Tab of my website starting June 1st where each week you can Buy 2 Items of the selected category of my current inventory and get the 3rd one (highest priced item) at 40-50% off.

The rest of this Summer Challenge will be able to be done on your own time table.  Watch for weekly posts that will share tips and updates to guide you along the way.  Check back here on Saturday, June 1st for the first official post & kick off to our Lighten the Load Summer Challenge plus the Summer Sale.

Lighten the Load Summer Challenge – COMING SOON

As we wrap up Spring and kick off Summer with Memorial Day as the unofficial start this past weekend, I am prompted to savor the change in seasons and the beauty of the new and exciting things that come with a  change in our routines.  This time of year makes me think about clearing out the old and making room for the new.  That can apply to so many things in life – from Spring Cleaning my home to preparing the way to complete a project that has been lingering.  It is also a time to Lighten the Load whether it be a physical load or the load I carry with unfinished projects and pick the couple of project I want to tackle.  This has been on my mind a lot over the last several weeks as I have looked at my own load of projects and stuff that needs clearing out.  With that thought….

….I invite you to Lighten the Load with me this Summer!!!   I plan to help you Lighten the Load with our photos, photo projects, project supplies and even that undone project guilt.  I will be launching this special Lighten the Load Summer challenge to inspire you and guide you to Lighten YOUR Load whether it be a small project for a few weeks or a big project that takes all summer.  There will be Sales, Challenges, Tips and Inspiration along the way – and you never know when there might be a few prizes too.  This will run from June-August with a celebration at the end.  You can choose where to jump in and how much to tackle but I know from my own experience that when I take a project or goal and break it into smaller pieces I am always amazed at the progress over time.

You can start thinking about what is on your list of photo related projects, how many are started but not yet finished, do you have extra supplies tucked in your bag that are weighing you down.  Get ready, we are going to have some fun and start to feel lighter as we move through the summer.  Are you ready to hear more?

2018 Summer Survey

Photo Loving Friends – I would love for you to chime in on my 2018 Summer Survey for my Photo Solutions business.  Whether you have attended an event or purchased a product, your feedback will help me know how to better serve the people in my community.  You can use this link to jump over to the short survey today: https://goo.gl/forms/Ku1F0GKRAO2KNu9O2 . It will only take a few minutes and you can enter to win a gift certificate of your choosing for one of the products or events I offer at the end of the survey.  We will be wrapping up this survey and holding the drawing on Friday, June 29th.


If you would like to join our next event, check out the Events Tab at the top of the page to see the workshop schedule or click here: Photo Workshop

So excited to be back up and going with my Digital Scrapbooking



It has been a process to get back up and going with my digital scrapbooking.  I have needed a new computer for several years and finally purchased my new computer a few weeks ago and am loving getting back into the things I love.  We are gathered this weekend for our weekend mini crop in Smithfield, NC and I am excited to be able to get pages done in my next photo album quickly with Artisan.  If you loved Storybook Creator Plus, then Panstoria Digital Contentcheck out Panstoria’s Artisan by clicking the banner on this page or use this link: Artisan.   If you need help getting started again or are brand new to digital scrapbooking, I am happy to set up a time to walk you through getting started.  I always appreciate your loyalty so be sure to use one of these links to be sure your order is connected to my account.


Getting back into Digital Scrapbooking

Part of the motivation of starting this website and blog was to have a place to share about my scrapbooking business and the opportunities I offer to my customers.  A little background in case you are new or didn’t know I had a scrapbooking business.

I started as an independent consultant in 2004 with Creative Memories and loved sharing traditional scrapbooking products and tools with my friends and family.  I was one of those that said “I am not creative” but oh how I loved photos and getting them in my albums plus as a consultant I had the privilege of sharing what I had learned through my own projects with others and helping them create albums of their own.  I learned quickly “creativity” was something different for each one of us and our style was what made our albums special.

I was excited to add digital scrapbooking to my list of skills and opportunities around 2007.  Having a central place like Memory Manager to store and organize all of my digital images on my computer and be able to tag in different categories so they were easy to find when I needed them was a huge blessing.  With the growing number of digital photos we have with digital photography, it can easily become overwhelming to figure out a system to store and organize your digital photos.  In addition to the photo organization, I also loved tapping into my creative side with Storybook Creator Plus and creating beautiful digital photo pages that I would later add to my photo album.  It was so easy and quick to get my photos onto the page and add the journalling and upload to print.

Over the last few years we sadly saw the Old CM close down and with that came the end of the support for the CM version of the programs we had grown to love.  The good news is that the original developer of the CM programs Panstoria is still alive and well and we can continue with all the things we loved about the CM digital products both the software and the Print Shop.  I am happy to share that I now am using Panstoria Historian and Artisan software and loving it.  I would love to help you get back up and going with your digital projects when you are ready.  You can come to any of my upcoming crops or workshops and ask questions or watch for upcoming Digital Photo Organization and Album Making opportunities.

You can learn more about each of these great programs by following these 2 links:
Panstoria Historian 4 photo management and editing software
Panstoria Artisan digital scrapbooking software

Panstoria Digital Content