Tag: Artisan

Lighten the Load Summer Challenge – COMING SOON

As we wrap up Spring and kick off Summer with Memorial Day as the unofficial start this past weekend, I am prompted to savor the change in seasons and the beauty of the new and exciting things that come with a  change in our routines.  This time of year makes me think about clearing out the old and making room for the new.  That can apply to so many things in life – from Spring Cleaning my home to preparing the way to complete a project that has been lingering.  It is also a time to Lighten the Load whether it be a physical load or the load I carry with unfinished projects and pick the couple of project I want to tackle.  This has been on my mind a lot over the last several weeks as I have looked at my own load of projects and stuff that needs clearing out.  With that thought….

….I invite you to Lighten the Load with me this Summer!!!   I plan to help you Lighten the Load with our photos, photo projects, project supplies and even that undone project guilt.  I will be launching this special Lighten the Load Summer challenge to inspire you and guide you to Lighten YOUR Load whether it be a small project for a few weeks or a big project that takes all summer.  There will be Sales, Challenges, Tips and Inspiration along the way – and you never know when there might be a few prizes too.  This will run from June-August with a celebration at the end.  You can choose where to jump in and how much to tackle but I know from my own experience that when I take a project or goal and break it into smaller pieces I am always amazed at the progress over time.

You can start thinking about what is on your list of photo related projects, how many are started but not yet finished, do you have extra supplies tucked in your bag that are weighing you down.  Get ready, we are going to have some fun and start to feel lighter as we move through the summer.  Are you ready to hear more?

So excited to be back up and going with my Digital Scrapbooking



It has been a process to get back up and going with my digital scrapbooking.  I have needed a new computer for several years and finally purchased my new computer a few weeks ago and am loving getting back into the things I love.  We are gathered this weekend for our weekend mini crop in Smithfield, NC and I am excited to be able to get pages done in my next photo album quickly with Artisan.  If you loved Storybook Creator Plus, then Panstoria Digital Contentcheck out Panstoria’s Artisan by clicking the banner on this page or use this link: Artisan.   If you need help getting started again or are brand new to digital scrapbooking, I am happy to set up a time to walk you through getting started.  I always appreciate your loyalty so be sure to use one of these links to be sure your order is connected to my account.