Rest & Recharging

What does a week of vacation really do for you?  For me, I have found that it takes almost 1/2 the time to clear my head of all of the routine things that are constantly running through my mind but once I finally get lost in a book or in a new experience, or in laughing over silly things with my family, I realize how much I need a time to rest, clear my mind and recharge.  I have just wrapped up one of these perfect weeks away with my family and am so thankful for each of them and the time we have had together resting and experiencing less structured days.  We didn’t do anything glamorous or go anywhere super far away but there is something about hearing the waves crash and the birds tweet while you sit and read that can help get you to a state of relaxation.
2015 Family Beach Photo
2015 Family Beach Photo

Another thing that vacation allows me to do is start new things that keep getting put off  –  like this Blog.  I have been thinking this was a good idea for a couple of months and then with my scrapbooking business I am finding that I need a central place other than Facebook where I can share information about what I am learning and products I am enjoying.  This week has allowed me to do the initial set up while having others in my family who have set up blogs and website near by to help bounce ideas off of and get feedback on how best to set this up.  So as I look at the final few hours of this vacation and the full week ahead, I will likely make plans very soon for another vacation whether it be months or a year away but today I will be reminded that I am thankful for each time I can find rest and recharge.

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