I know 2 posts in one day is a bit crazy but the other post was a regular post and I have been working on this one all week. Welcome to our new routine with a bit of grace and change around every turn.
Has your routine been rocked? Are you juggling more things than you thought you could imagine a few weeks ago? Have you learned new skills – maybe homeschooling can now be added to your list? Is your home extra noisy these days with kids at home and parents working from home and you are searching for a spot to be still and quiet? Or maybe your house is like mine, it is so quiet these days you dream of the days for people, laughter and chatter to fill it again?
Wherever you are, I imagine your routine has changed. For me, I spend my days at my kitchen table working from home. I take conference calls and participate in Zoom Meetings while working on other projects in between. I am trying to take time each day to connect with family and friends through calls, texts or dropping a note in the mail. I have made it a priority to go for a walk outside each day and am taking advantage of my time at home to do some of those small projects that just don’t get done very often when I am on the go all the time. Last week, it was fixing a light bulb over my stove that broke in the socket and this week it was getting a few bags of mulch spread.
I am also taking some time here and there to work on my photos. Not as much as I would like but still making some progress here too. Last weekend I was able to try out the new Forever AutoBooks. It is a “automagical” way to take your favorite photos from a trip or time and put them in a simple book FAST. I had worked on my 2019 Favorites Album last year with the Little by Little approach that I described in a previous post so when it came to doing a book of all of my 2019 favorite photos, I was able to do a short review of them to get the total number of photos in that album under 400 and then hit one button and all my photos were in a book like magic. I tweaked a few pages and added my journalling and ordered. I expect my book will be here this weekend so I can enjoy. Can you imagine what photo book you would like to have ordered this week so you and your family can enjoy it next week?
Would you like to join me in a Stay Home Photo Challenge where we gather, organize and create a photo book while we are at home these next 3 weeks? I know you have so many more things you are doing these days but if you can set aside 15 minutes 3-5 times each week (that is less than an hour each week), you will be amazed at how much progress you can make, have a few more days or times you can work and you can see a year’s worth of photos organized in as little as 2 weeks. You pick the pace, your project and whether you choose digital or traditional style books or you choose your 2019 book or a family vacation book, it is completely up to you. We are gong to take this off of social media and do it through a few simple text messages to remind you, encourage you and inspire you over these next 3 weeks. Ready to get started?
Text SIGNMEUP to (919)205-5212 . This is a special text number I am using for this challenge and a few other updates. E-mail, message or call me with questions through our usual ways too.
As we find our routine over the next few weeks, we may adjust and tweak things but know that one thing that is constant is that I am here to help you with your questions and photo projects. If this a time that you want to make progress on your photo projects, I am here. If this isn’t a time you can add one more thing to your plate, know that it is OK too, we can connect once the dust settles a bit.
Be safe and take care while you Stay Home this week!
Nice idea, Elizabeth! I have my current project out on my dining room table to work on when I don’t feel pulled to be tending to other chores (or during the work week, doing actual work!). Looking forward to some fun reminders and encouragement to stay on track with making progress with photos!!