Lighten the Load Summer Challenge – Mark your Calendars

As we prepare the way for a fun and productive summer where we are going to Lighten the Load in more ways than we can imagine, I suggest that you start off by marking your calendar for my 3 Summer Workshops that are coming up and signing up for the ones you want to attend.  Although this is not mandatory to join in the rest of the challenge, this will be a great chance to connect with other friends as we are working on this challenge together.  I would love to have you join us for one or more of these monthly photo workshop events as your schedule allows.
  • Saturday, June 8, 2019
  • Saturday, July  13, 2019
  • Saturday, August 10, 2019

Each of these workshops will run 10am-10pm and you can choose to attend as a traditional scrapbooker or a digital attendee and you can choose to join us for all day or just part.  Check out the Events link in the Menu Bar for more details and to register for these Events and others I offer the rest of the year.

You will also want to watch for weekly posts through the month of June for our Summer Sale.  This is just for you to get the supplies you need at a great price while you help me Lighten MY Load of inventory to carry to summer events.  Watch for more details on a Summer Sale Tab of my website starting June 1st where each week you can Buy 2 Items of the selected category of my current inventory and get the 3rd one (highest priced item) at 40-50% off.

The rest of this Summer Challenge will be able to be done on your own time table.  Watch for weekly posts that will share tips and updates to guide you along the way.  Check back here on Saturday, June 1st for the first official post & kick off to our Lighten the Load Summer Challenge plus the Summer Sale.

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