I am enjoying reading this blog for tips to clearing clutter both with physical things and the things that consume my energy and time.
I am enjoying reading this blog for tips to clearing clutter both with physical things and the things that consume my energy and time.
I thought that this might be something I should do but marked it on my to-do list. As the end of 2014 came, I had burned my candle at both ends long enough that my body finally made me slow down. Being sicker than I have ever been and learning that it would take weeks if not months to get my energy level back was the final push that I needed to do something drastic to create a reset to my life and schedule so that I didn’t relapse or continue down the same path.
Now that I am 6 months into this journey I can say I am so glad I signed up. Each month comes with so many great tips and tools from other people who have discovered ways to live a fuller life with less “stuff” in it. I am sure I will continue to share many of the tidbits I am learning through this blog but here is a few of my favorite things I learned from the first 6 months.
I never would have guessed that adding a online course like this would inspire me to tackle so many areas of life and feel better about the order that is coming to life. I look forward to continuing on this journey and seeing where the next 6 months take me.
It has been a process to get back up and going with my digital scrapbooking. I have needed a new computer for several years and finally purchased my new computer a few weeks ago and am loving getting back into the things I love. We are gathered this weekend for our weekend mini crop in Smithfield, NC and I am excited to be able to get pages done in my next photo album quickly with Artisan. If you loved Storybook Creator Plus, then check out Panstoria’s Artisan by clicking the banner on this page or use this link: Artisan. If you need help getting started again or are brand new to digital scrapbooking, I am happy to set up a time to walk you through getting started. I always appreciate your loyalty so be sure to use one of these links to be sure your order is connected to my account.
Where are your Photos?….A questions I often ask people I have met over the last 11+ years.
Where ARE Your photos today? Are they tucked away in a closet, maybe in a box, maybe never printed, maybe still on the camera or your phone. If you wanted to locate that perfect photo of you and someone you love, could you find it easily. Do you have the stories of the most special photos captured. Have you ever held a precious printed photo in your hand and new it would be a treasure for many years and generations to come?
I have developed a passion and love for printed photos, those that are great angles and those that captured someone’s candid expression. I love to have a photo to pull out and share with family when they are visiting that we can all reminisce together about a time years ago, or pull out a photo of a family member or friend who I don’t see often or who is no longer with us and remember the times when we were together. I definitely don’t think that every moment needs a camera out and picture to capture that it happened but boy are there some special moments when you do intentionally capture the people and experiences along our journey in life.
Where are your favorite photos right now? Would you like for them to be at your finger tips either digitally or in an album? I would love to help you take the next step in getting your photos organized and getting the very best of them at your finger tips so you can celebrate them in the best way possible. Let me know if I can help you with your Photo Prints or Digital Images.
As Lysa says, “Instead of waiting for the time to get started to simply appear one day, we need to be intentional with scheduling it.” I can’t wait for the right time to get started, I need to be intentional with each step so that my next yes, is not out of obligation and expectation from others but that I a choosing the path I am to be on.
Whether the thing that we feel is our Best Yes is large or small, we have to be intentional today with what we agree to do so that tomorrow we have room if the Best Yes is yet to be added to the schedule.
I have loved this book and would recommend that you also take a look at it too – especially if you are like me and often feel like you have to please those around you.